March Travels Take Demosphere Across The Border
Demosphere was quite busy this month and even traveled across the border into Canada!
Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Workshop
The month started in Downingtown, PA at the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer (EPYSA) Workshop. We had a great time meeting with potential new clients as well as valued clients such as West Chester United Soccer Club, Inter-County Soccer League and Lancaster County Soccer League among many others. The Workshop is a staple on our calendar every year and we look forward to next year’s event.
Illinois Youth Soccer Expo
Another yearly event took place in early March – the Illinois Youth Soccer (IYSA) Expo in Schaumburg, IL. The event brings together coaches, administrators, and volunteers from clubs state-wide. The Chicago Fire, the local MLS team, also hosted a kids play area which drew lots of attention. This year was the first featuring a Demosphere-powered IYSA website, so we’re excited about what lies ahead in Illinois in the coming weeks and months.
Montreal Soccer Expo
To close the month, the Demosphere team ventured to Montreal, Quebec for the first-ever Montreal Soccer Expo. The event attracted hundres of coaches and volunteers from across Quebec as well as over 70 vendors. Not bad for a first time Expo! We even saw soccer billiards (pictured) for the first time!
Want Demosphere to come to an event near you? Let us know in the comments below!