Quick Website Usability Tips
Website usability is an oft-forgotten topic in the online world, especially for many in our industry.
Many customers come to us after using a website that was difficult or impossible to update … or even one they could not update on their own. As a result, our WebWriter® Website System ushers in a new era of content creation. In the excitement of using the new system, lots of new content is created but it might not be best optimized for website visitors.
Last week, Mashable presented some excellent ideas to improve website usability. Many of the ideas focus on the content creation process and are very easy to implement. For example, using headlines to break up long articles and using bulleted lists when possible can go a long way towards making sure your readers absorb all of the terrific content you’re producing.
The only real change, then, is just being aware of these best practices when producing content. To get comfortable, review the Mashable list once before and once after producing content and make any necessary adjustments. After a few new pieces are produced, the process should be second nature to you and your fellow website editors.