Demosphere On The Go! Three Recent Workshops

The Demosphere team has been busy! Over the past few weeks, the team has attended a number of workshops:
South Texas Youth Soccer GBM – July
Held outside of Houston in Montgomery, Texas, the South Texas Youth Soccer Summer GBM brought together many clubs and associations from South Texas as everyone prepares for the upcoming season.
Demosphere presented a Facebook Best Practices session that was among the most well-attended sessions of the weekend.
NSCAA Summer Symposium – August
Held in conjunction with Florida Youth Soccer’s AGM, the NSCAA Summer Symposium focused on youth soccer coaches and administrators and brought together a well known list of speakers.
Demosphere enjoyed meeting with current and potential new clients during the three-day event.

Illinois Youth Soccer Expo – August
Held for the first time at Toyota Park (home of the Chicago Fire), the Illinois Youth Soccer Expo showed renewed enthusiasm around its new venue and date.
A full day of workshops and league meetings were held, and an outdoor setting showcased some great summer Chicagoland weather.
Want to see where we’re heading next? Check out our On The Go page!