Scan To Find Available Field Space!
Ever wonder what to do if there aren’t enough available fields to schedule your games? Demosphere’s League Scheduling System does its best to help.
When games are being scheduled, the system looks for available field space on the given game day. If there is not enough space for the game on that day or if other restrictions such as a requested day off prevent scheduling on that date, the game is not scheduled on the “first pass”.
In a “second pass” after all games have had once chance to be scheduled on the correct day throughout the season, each game is tried again.
In order to “Scan Forward”, choose a number between 1 and 9 to search that number of days after the play date. In order to “Scan Backward”, choose a number between -1 and -9 to scan earlier. Each successive day is searched for available field space up to the limit of days specified.
The picture above displays scheduling options including “Scan Forward”.
For example, a league that plays weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays would use only Tuesday dates in the date group but specify 2 to “Scan Forward” so that after all Tuesday slots are used, Thursday slots would be considered.
Need help utilizing this feature? Contact our Support Team at support @