Registration Enhancement: Register Straight To Roster
Registering and rostering players should be as simple and straightforward as possible – and it’s about to get easier. Players can now be registered directly to specific teams during registration.
New Team Rostering Capabilities
Two new auto-rostering options are available in addition to the existing manual, auto-return to team, and invitation-based processes.
The first option allows coaches to supply codes to players so they can register for their specific team. Once the registrant enters the code, the player will be automatically added to the team roster.
The second option allows players to participate in “open registration,” meaning players can add themselves to an available team for that season. If known, the user can select their team, pay, and be placed on the roster immediately. This option is particularly useful for adult leagues and organizations as it skips the manual rostering step, further simplifying administrative workflows.
As always, with each of the Demosphere registration workflows, the system provides a cart-based process to ensure members can register for as many programs and players as needed within a single registration experience.
Our registration enhancements provide organizations, and now coaches and players, with flexibility in building rosters, alleviating even more team-building headaches.
Have additional registration questions? Click the link below to contact us.