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New Options for Check or Cash Registrations

A new workflow for collecting Check or Cash payments has been added to the Demosphere’s RosterPro™ Registration System.

Site Administrators now have the ability to determine if the incoming status for registrants paying by check or cash is marked “Active” or “Pending Check/Cash”.

Check out the most recent new features in RosterPro™:

Check/Cash Payments Settings

For RosterPro™ systems configured to mark check/cash payments to pending, additional subsequent rules are unlocked, such as allowing Season Grouping Administrators to see these registrations, and whether or not they are available for building teams when pending.

Edit Check/Cash Options

Freeze Tabular Data Columns

A new feature now available on all data tables within RosterPro™ is the capability to “freeze” any columns from scrolling horizontally when the tabular data exceeds the viewable frame.

This allows, for example, player names to remain visible when scrolling horizontally to view the unlimited registration form responses Site Administrators have collected during Public Registration. The system will remember settings made by individual Administrators to each table they have custom-configured.

Deleting Seasons and Programs

Seasons with no registrations may now be deleted in order to keep data clean. Additionally, any Registration Program with no Seasons may also be deleted.

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