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Clone, Add, Customize, Delete…It’s All Here With The Newest Features

The newest cycle of system updates has arrived and includes brand new features for both WebWriter® Website System and RosterPro® Registration System users!

WebWriter® Website System

Clone Content

Have you ever created a piece of content that is so great you wish you could use it again? Well now you can clone any content item on your website, saving the item to different locations and in different content areas.


Add Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words – so why not include one when crafting your Articles? Now include Title Photos in your Articles to add some excitement to your text. The image will be displayed underneath the Article title and above the content area.

Title Photo

Customize Navigation

Having difficulty building your Navigation Menus on your website? Administrators can now create Navigational Menu Items based on your Site Map structure.

Site Map

RosterPro® Registration System

International Numbers

Registrants come from all over the world, so why restrict telephone numbers to the US? International Phone Numbers are now accepted for Household Members and Emergency Contacts.

International Phone Number


Incomplete Orders

Sick of seeing Incomplete Orders sitting in the cart without activity? Site Administrators now have the ability to delete Incomplete Orders.

Incomplete Order

Item Type

The Deposit Detail Report includes a new column, “Item Type,” so Administrators can identify at a glance which records have come in from Donations.

Item Type

Need help taking advantage of these new features? Contact Demosphere’s Support Team for more information.

Kris Baker

Kris Baker is the President of Demosphere and has been serving the Youth Sports Community since 2006.