Demosphere Tip of the Week: Managing Payments/Refunds
Have you ever had a member ask you to make a change to their current balance due? Or, maybe you have a pile of cash/checks to record, a refund to process, or even a change to make to an upcoming payment due date? Requests for managing payments and refunds from your members are not uncommon. The Demosphere system will ensure a smooth and simple workflow for managing payments, refunds and payment schedules within just a few clicks.
Managing Payments
To record a payment in the Demosphere system, first navigate to the household and pull up the registration order in question from within the Registration Order History tab. The order overview section will display the remaining balance due for each order. If a member hands you a check or cash, the payment can be recorded by clicking the record payment button located in the upper right hand corner.
Note: You may have members who ask if you can record a credit card payment on their behalf. If both of you are comfortable with doing this then you, as a site administrator, will be able to enter the credit card information and process the payment.
You will enter the payment details on the Record Payment screen. You can either click the box to make the payment in full, or type in a custom amount you wish to record. Within the Total Payment Amount field you will see the total amount being recorded. Under Additional Payment Details choose the payment type: check, cash, credit card, external credit card (e.g. onsite POS or card reader), or financial aid from the dropdown. Choose the payment date and record any remarks, then click Save.
Note: If choosing credit card you will be taken to the payment screen where you can enter the credit card details.
Once the payment has been recorded, you will be directed back to the Order. You should now see the recorded payment under the order transaction history section.
Managing Refunds
For any order that has a payment already applied to it, a pink refund button will appear at the top of the order. If your organization decides to honor a refund request, you can click this button to record a either a partial refund or a refund in full.
You will be taken to a screen that looks similar to the screen where you recorded the payment. In the refund amount column, enter the amount the you wish to refund the member. You can leave a remark, which will appear next to the refunded amount under the order. Continue to the refund review, double check to be sure everything is correct, and finalize the refund.
Within the order items section, you will see the refund amount total and the refund remarks. You can also find the changes under the order payment schedule section. Any payments that were made via credit card, when refunded, will be automatically credited back to the original card.
Managing Payment Schedules
Now that we have reviewed managing payments and refunds, let’s look into adjusting payment schedules and amounts due. This is done under the Manage Unpaid Payments button on the order.
There are a couple of things we can do. Let’s say for example you refunded too much. No worries! Simply adjust the refunded amount by adding the difference back to the New column. We can see within the adjusted column how much has been refunded and within the New column we can add however much we need back to the total balance due. There is also an option to make an Adjustment Note. Click save.
Note: Keep in mind, whenever saving a change that has been made, such as recording payments, issuing refunds, adjusting payment due dates or the amount due, an email will be automatically sent to the household admin’s email on file.
If you would like to change the due date for an upcoming installment, simply click on the payment date at the top, and click the Edit this Date button on the right. From this screen you can also adjust the amount due for any payment date. Simply click into the New cell and type the new amount due.
Have more questions about managing payments and refunds? We have plenty of knowledge base articles that can be found in our Support Center to help guide you further. Click here or give us a call – we’re happy to assist!