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Practice Schedule

How Did They Do That: Calendars

Sports organizations are constantly searching for ways to improve scheduling and communication. While most clubs try to remind members of upcoming schedule changes through word of mouth, one of the newest organizations to join the Demosphere Network is taking advantage of the new content types within the WebWriter® Content Management System to keep their schedules organized and always available.

Palm Beach Premier FC is proof that there’s no such thing as too organized when it comes to practice and game schedules. The organization has an entire page dedicated to their Practice Schedule Spring calendar, making sure all of their members are aware of the schedule weeks in advance!

Practice ScheduleWant to create calendars of your own to keep your schedules this neat?

Here’s how it’s done:

1. Add New Content

The WebWriter® CMS lets administrators add nine variations of new content types to their website. To create the schedule as seen above, select the Calendar option. The System allows for the control of multiple calendars within multiple departments.

Add Content

2. Set Up Tags

Demosphere’s calendars utilize a tagging system. Delegate which events you’d like to appear on each calendar by adding tags.

For example, an administrator might create a calendar on the “Practice Schedule” page and want it to display only events specific to practices. During the creation of the calendar, the administrator would set the calendar to show items with a “practice” tag.

On a separate page, like the Home Page, the administrator might want a calendar to display upcoming events from both the practice calendar and games calendar. In that case, they would set the calendar to show all upcoming events with the tags “practice” and “game.”

Calendar Title

3. Choose The Display

The WebWriter® calendars can be displayed as fully-formatted calendars, lists of upcoming events, or as links. Simply select which display option you’d like to have on your page by toggling between the choices.

Calendar Display

4. Publish Content

The system allows three different publishing options for all types of content. The calendar can be displayed immediately to Public View, kept Pending to be published at a later date, or can be set to public for a certain timeframe for time sensitive information.

Publishing Options

5. Add Events

Once a calendar is published, create events by clicking on a date on the calendar and customizing the length of time, description, and event tag to determine which calendar(s) the event will appear on.

Since Palm Beach Premier FC wanted the even “U8 – U10 – U12 – U14” to appear on the practice calendar they included the “practice” event tag. To have this event appear on multiple calendars, they would simply need to include additional tags.

Calendar information includes Google/iCal importing and exporting capabilities
Creating Events

Enjoy An Organized Season

Add an unlimited number of events to your organization’s calendars throughout the season.

Published events can be viewed by members of your organization in a daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view as they click on a highlighted date – making sure each member is aware of upcoming events at all times.

Event As Schedule

Keep up the good work Palm Beach Premier FC!

Interested in more information about the WebWriter® Content Management System or how to create calendars of your own? Reach out to Demosphere today at for a free demo!


Kris Baker

Kris Baker is the President of Demosphere and has been serving the Youth Sports Community since 2006.