How to Have Successful Tryouts
It’s one of the best times of the year: tryouts season! That means hundreds of excited kids, sunshine, and community. It also means hundreds of registrations, communicating with parents and staff, calendars, processing payments, and more – all while making sure everyone has fun. Here are a few tips on how to have successful tryouts this season!
Make your tryouts easy to find
Make good use of your digital spaces to inform your community that tryouts are coming up. Post graphics on your website’s home page “above the fold” announcing tryouts and link to the registration page. Post about tryouts on social media at least a month out to give parents time to fit the dates into their schedules. Make sure to include important information such as dates, times, and locations on the posts as well. Finally, if you have an email list, make sure to send out tryout announcements to that list as well.
Organize your tryout programs
With hundreds of kids trying out for your programs, you’ll want to make sure your sports management system is set up exactly how you need it. For example, Demosphere’s system allows for creating custom tryout programs to manage age group and team structure, fees and payments, staff registrations, and customizable player forms. For coaches, our system also offers a Coach View of teams, rosters, and invitation statuses.
Post-tryout, you’ll want your admins and coaches to have access to reports to review team information, filtered by key options such as age group, gender, location, skill level, etc.
Take time to get your rosters ready
Now that you’ve sent out player invitations, you have rosters to build and organize! If your sports management system is efficient, this will be a seamless process. Once players accept their Demosphere invites, they are automatically taken through the full season registration process and added to the roster upon completion of payment.
For admin and staff, Demosphere’s Team Pages, house all the team information needed, including rostered staff and players, schedules, and reports alongside custom Club-branded uniforms for home and away games. All roster info also syncs to the Demosphere mobile app, where parents and players can start communicating and RSVPing for games, practices, and events.