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The Complete Guide To Sponsors

SponsorsSponsorships can add credibility and financial backing to any website – but finding potential sponsors for your organization is a process that involves multiple moving variables.

From how to attract desirable sponsors to which analytics information to share, the mechanics behind online sponsorships require attention from Administrators and Webmasters looking to increase their annual sponsorship revenue.

Demosphere’s Complete Guide To Sponsors has compiled various webinars, research, and articles as they relate to sponsorships into one compact resource center to make the process as simple as possible.

Choose from one of the categories below to get started on improving your relationships with potential/existing sponsors:

[one_third][button link=”/2015/05/how-do-your-sponsors-compare/” size=”medium”]

Sponsorship Statistics
[two_third_last]Sponsorship Statistics
Does your organization fall above/below the average number of sponsors? Are you meeting the average amount of financial income from sponsorships? Which methods have proven to be the most successful? To answer all of these questions and get to the bottom of online sponsorship statistics for youth sports, Demosphere conducted the Sponsorship Survey.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”/maximize/seeking-sponsors/” size=”medium”]

Add Sponsors To Your Site
[two_third_last]Add Sponsors To Your Site
A somewhat obvious, but often overlooked, step in attracting sponsors is to display basic information on your website. This webinar discussed many of the factors behind attracting sponsors – dedicating a website page, what analytics information to share, and proper formatting tips.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”/2015/06/collecting-sponsor-money/” size=”medium”]

How To Seal The Sponsor Deal
[two_third_last]How To Seal The Sponsor Deal
Whether actively seeking sponsors or not, if a potential sponsor wants to donate to your organization make it easy for them to spend their money. Demosphere researched sports organizations and their efforts towards potential sponsors to uncover the proper approach to communication.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”/2015/10/track-sponsor-links/” size=”medium”]

Track Your Sponsor Clicks
[two_third_last]Track Your Sponsor Clicks
Create a unique, identifying link for your sponsor images and track the number of clicks received by each with Google Analytics following this simple process.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”” size=”medium”]

Free Analytics Template

[two_third_last]Free Analytics Template
Providing relevant Google Analytics statistics can serve as a way to encourage sponsorships. Figure out how many visits your website receives over a set timeframe, pinpoint your most popular pages, and learn how to show visitor growth all within one dashboard.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”/maximize/website-sponsorship/” size=”medium”]

Sponsor Image Options
[two_third_last]Sponsor Image Options
This webinar shows Administrators the many layout options available to them when deciding where to place and format sponsor images on their website.[/two_third_last]

[one_third][button link=”/2013/05/youth-sports-sponsorship-local-business/” size=”medium”]

Sponsors & Local Business
[two_third_last]Sponsors & Local Business
Traditionally, local businesses view sponsorships as a way for them to give back to their local community. The real-life story of car dealers and Tesla Motors acts as an example of how interacting with local businesses can help your club increase sponsorship revenue.[/two_third_last]

In addition to the resources above, other factors can contribute to monetizing your website. For more information on alternative options, setting up your website for success, and analyzing Google Analytics information view the items below:

[one_third][button link=”/2014/08/adsense-for-youth-sports-websites/” size=”medium”]

Other Ways To Monetize

[one_third][button link=”/maximize/successful-website-checklist/” size=”medium”]

Website Checklist

[one_third_last][button link=”/maximize/google-analytics-for-youth-sports/” size=”medium”]

More Google Analytics


Looking for some quick advice and recommendations? Contact Demosphere today and we’ll offer some tips to help you stand out!

Kris Baker

Kris Baker is the President of Demosphere and has been serving the Youth Sports Community since 2006.