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Build teams and manage rosters with ease

Make roster management for sports easy with drag-and-drop, automated formation, and filter and sort options. Manage teams with our unique Team Pages Experience, designed for every member of your organization to use.

Demosphere Team Pages

Find full team information including rostered staff and players, schedules, and reports alongside custom Club-branded uniforms for home and away games.

Forming teams with players and staff is easy with drag and drop functionality, and our robust filters that let you sort by important attributes such as previous team, school, and zip code.

Reduce manual work with automated team formation

Activate a return-to-team feature that clones previous seasons and their teams. Watch as players are automatically rostered at the time of registration. No more guesswork, no more hassle.

Share rosters and documents across staff

Once teams and rosters are finalized, you can easily email or give direct access to team documents to staff members. Share official roster forms, medical release waivers, concussion awareness forms and more with just a few clicks.

Request a Demo

With over 30 years of experience building a true all-in-one sports management software, our team is ready to meet your needs and goals.