Registration Tips: Current Programs in Multiple Seasons
“We need to open our next registration session for Spring, but we are still accepting Fall registrations… HELP!!”
Occasionally, clubs open season #2 for Program A, but Program B is still accepting registrations concurrently in season #1. For example, Program A registers seasonally, but Program B registers annually with installments, or is accepting registrations for add-on players. Those add-on players must be registered in the same season to allow them to be placed on the same team they are joining. Because Program B (Season 1 or Fall) overlaps both of the seasons for Program A, closing one season and opening another would cause program B to be split between seasons 1 and 2. This would prohibit the add-on players to be assigned to the same team and financial records for Program B would fall into 2 seasons.
To avoid this, the Demosphere Support Team recommends you manage your current season for each program separately by using the season over-ride option. This feature allows you to only over-ride the current season for Program B allowing you to keep all of the registrations for Program B in season 1, while concurrently also opening season 2 for Program A’s subsequent registration session.
More details available in the Knowledge Base by searching for ‘Manage your current season for each program separately’.