Complete Your Order Payment With Credit Card
Money makes the world go round…and it doesn’t hurt youth sports organizations either.
Make sure your organization is collecting all of it’s due funds this season by allowing Household Administrators to log back into the RosterPro® Registration System and pay with credit card following these simple steps:
Step 1: Navigate to My Household
Once Household Administrators are logged into RosterPro®, the first step in completing a credit card payment is to navigate to My Household Information. From there, locate the View My Household Info button to proceed.
Household Administrators gain access to the RosterPro® System using the same link as Site Administrators. All members should be signing into the system using the /_login link. The /_registration link is only used to process new registrants and should not be used in this scenario.
Step 2: Select Desired Order
Within the Registration Order History tab, Household Administrators will then choose from the list of open orders located on the lefthand side of the screen under Orders By Date.
Once the desired order has been selected, click the green Pay with CC button on the righthand side.
Step 3: Selected Payment Method
The Make A Payment dialog will appear. Household Administrators will then continue to complete the fields with their credit card information.
The Admin will have the option of retaining the card’s information for other remaining order installments, or using the information only for the current order.
For assistance with the credit card payment feature, contact Demosphere’s Support Team at support @ demosphere.com.