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Discounts to Create? Demosphere Can Help!

Looking to provide registration discounts for your members? Demosphere can help! With Demosphere’s flexible online registration system, there are several options.

One option is to set up a discount code within the season settings. You can then communicate this code to members to enter during registration.  Another option is to create a unique discount for a specific player or family.  This option will automatically apply the discount during registration. 

The steps below outline how this process works:
  1. From the main dashboard, navigate to the RosterPro > Household Management tab. Search for the name of the household in question.  Click on the name of the household in the “Household Name” column to go the the Household’s profile:1
  2. While on the “Household Information & Members” tab, scroll down and click on the green “Add New Discount” button2
  3. Enter in the following items in the dialog screen:
    • Title – the name of the discount (this will appear on the registration receipt)
    • Amount – this will be the amount the household will receive off of their registration
    • Associated To (optional) – the member of the household to whom the discount should apply (if no member is chosen, the discount can be applied to any family member)
    • Remark (optional) – notes or details you’d like to document (this will appear on the registration receipt)
    • Season – choose the relevant season.  Please note, you must associate the discount with a particular season for it to apply.
    • Send email checkbox – check this box if you’d like to email a notification to the admin(s) of the household.3
  1. When the household registers for the selected season, the discount will be automatically applied to the registration.  The household will see it listed in step 2.7 and 5.1:


Demosphere’s goal to create the most robust, customizable and user-friendly registration system for youth sports organizations. Contact us today to learn more:!