Youth Sports Concussion BIll Rejected in Virginia
Concussion awareness continues to be on everyone’s mind in youth sports. Numerous states have passed legislation in the areas of preparation, training, and care.
In Virginia, surprisingly, a House panel recently rejected a youth sports concussion bill. The bill required youth sports leagues to develop concussion training, evaluation, and treatment policies. Coaches and employees were to complete annual training on concussions, too.
The bill was meant to replace a law passed in 2010 which covered public schools with one that would cover any youth sports organization using public property. It was rejected over enforcement concerns.
As a result, youth sports organizations must continue to stay abreast of the latest concussion information to make sure administrators and coaches are informed. Parents should review the policies of any organizations where they register their children to make sure they’re cared for properly.
Does your youth sports organization have a concussion policy? What’s in it?