Update Gives Coaches Direct Roster Access
As Site Administrators form and update teams within the RosterPro® Registration System, coaches can now log into the system and view the most up-to-date version of their rosters.
Coaches are able to view their rosters, export team information, and communicate directly with their teams – streamlining the communication process between team contacts and players.
Within the My Profile Information Dashboard, Team Administrators can navigate to the My Household Information tab and select the “View My Household Info” button to access the Household page.
After arriving at the Household page, locate the Search Volunteer Data tab to access the complete list of Volunteer registrations for the household.
Clicking on the linked Team Name column within the Volunteer table redirects the Administrator to a report page displaying team roster information.
The Season Name column values are no longer linked for Team/Household Administrators.
The Team Report page, titled “Team Roster: [TEAM-NAME],” presents a detailed table with Team Name, Player contact information, and Parent contact information. This report page includes standard print and export capabilities.
Clicking on the orange Return To Household button will return the Team Administrator back to the Household page.
This updated feature will not be available to Team Staff added manually to Teams via Seasonal Registration Management. Only Team Staff who registered as Volunteers through the Public Registration process will be able to access this data, as they must be linked to the Household.
Need help taking advantage of this new feature? Contact Demosphere’s Support Team for more information.