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Selectively Close Age Group Applications For Your Next Tournament

Does your tournament tend to sell out? If so, you’ve most likely faced the following dilemma:

Your tournament is almost full, but you’re still looking for teams to fill specific brackets. You leave the application process open in an attempt to fill those final spaces. After the fact, you have to deal with rejecting the surplus of teams that apply for divisions that are already full.

Make the application process easier on yourself, and on your applying teams.

Using Demosphere’s Tournament Management System, you can now select which age groups you want to have open or closed (i.e. which age groups will be accepting new team applications).

To control the age group settings:

  • Navigate your way to the Elements Admin dashboard.
  • Click into the Team Application Manager.
  • Select Age Group settings.

Here you will see a new column called Category Full. Use the checkbox to open or close each age group, and save your settings.


The Public View of the team application will list “CLOSED” beside any age group in the dropdown that is closed.

If the user picks a closed age group, they will receive a warning. If they try to submit the application with a closed age group, the form will not submit.

For assistance adding this feature into your tournament system, please contact our Support Team at!

Kris Baker

Kris Baker is the President of Demosphere and has been serving the Youth Sports Community since 2006.