Changing the Game of Officials Management at the NASO Summit
The Demosphere Team was thrilled to sponsor and attend this year’s National Association of Sports Officials (NASO) annual event. At this year’s Sports Officiating Summit Demosphere announced the launch of its new Officials Management platform.
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Officiate Washington Day
The event kicked off with Officiate Washington Day. Hundreds of officials from across the State of Washington, spanning multiple sports, attended the event. Attendees took advantage of both general and breakout sessions geared toward their sport. There was also plenty of time for networking and social time to foster collaboration and a sharing of ideas. Each year at the NASO Summit, the host state’s Officiating Association puts on a lead-in day ahead of the Summit geared toward educating officials within the state. This year’s event was special because for the first time in history, 100% of the officials across an entire state were registered members of the NASO.
NASO Summit
The following day, the Demosphere Team greeted hundreds of new officials, assignors and administrators from across the country as they filtered through the NASO exhibit hall. At the Demosphere booth, attendees learned about the new Officials Management app. The Officials Management tools are specifically designed to extend the Demosphere Sports Management system into the realm of officiating.
In addition to highly motivating and educational speakers and sessions, the NASO identified several solutions as Game Changers. The NASO believes these game changers will have a positive impact on the officiating world. Demosphere is proud to have been selected as a Game Changer for the 2019 Summit. During the game changing session, Demosphere’s President, Kris Baker, shared a bit of Demosphere history and highlighted some of the core components of Demosphere’s tools.
Demosphere has been delivering best-in-class solutions for website design and hosting, online registration of players and teams, game schedules/stats/standings, communication tools and data reporting & management for decades. In the Game Changer session, Kris demonstrated how organizations can use new technology to manage, assign and pay officials across their competitions. Having an integrated solution for registering officials, generating game schedules, communicating with members and assigning and paying officials all in one application certainly is a game changer!
To learn more about how Demosphere’s Officials Management platform can work for you, reach out to The Team Behind Team Sports!