Changing Your Payment Method In 6 Easy Steps
There could be many reasons for changing a payment method – expired card, compromised card, or the desire to switch from an offline method.
Demosphere’s RosterPro® Registration System allows household administrators to find the perfect payment fit. Enjoy the flexibility of manually switching payment methods within the system.
Rather than contacting registration administrators every time you want to switch from paying by check to making credit/debit card payments, follow these six easy steps and update your method of payment without hesitation!
1. Log into your household.
2. Select the “My Household Information” tab under “My Profile Information.”
3. At the bottom select the “View My Household Info” tab.
4. Now select the Registration Order History tab.
5. Select the Order date you want to update. If you have multiple registrations on the same date be sure you are updating the correct one.
6. Select the New Credit Card type by clicking on the Card Logo. Then fill out the rest of the information as is listed on the new card. Save.
Are you a system administrator with additional questions? Contact Demosphere’s Support Team with any further questions about payment methods.