Being Thankful
In preparation for Thanksgiving later this month, members of the Demosphere staff took a moment to give thanks. On a recent trip to Los Angeles, Jay and Carol Baker (pictured at right) take a moment to reflect on 2012.
See what our staff members are thankful for this year …
Jay Baker (President & CEO): I’m thankful for family, colleagues, and an innovative society.
Carol Baker (Vice President): Our world is filled with incredible beauty. From sunrises to sunsets, from season to season — the joy of rebirth each spring, the growth of summer, the abundance of autumn, the clear starkness of winter–, and each species of life, animal and plant, are all amazing and true miracles. With our ability to think, see, hear, move and be moved we find ourselves connected to all living things and closely surrounded by family, friends, and associates. I am thankful for my relationships and connections to all of these.
Kris Baker (Vice President): I am so very grateful to work in a place where I feel so many people are driven to achieve the same goals – Demosphere has built a great team and I am proud and thankful to be a part of it! I am also thankful that my family, friends, co-workers and clients continue to stay safe after several challenges thrown at us by Mother Nature this year – I wish for safety for all as we head into Winter.
Miles Baker (Vice President): As I look back on the past year, I am very thankful for my family and to be working with such a talented, motivated, and fun group at Demosphere … I’m also thankful DC United finally made it back into the playoffs after 5 years.
Sean Rose (Vice President): I’m thankful for family, friends, and electricity! After being without power for three days following Hurricane Sandy, I appreciate it much more!
Camille Cheatwood (Senior Account Manager): I am thankful for hope. Sometimes it’s hard to find, but it’s always there, waiting to lift me up.
Arild Shirazi (Senior Software Engineer): I’m thankful that my family in NJ made it through the hurricane with their house intact, and that we all made it through the downed trees and power outages from the derecho earlier this year. I’m thankful to be working with good people, and making the world a better place through sports.
Sam Brody (Senior Technical Support Specialist): I am thankful for the health and safety of my family.
Jaime Martin (Director of UI/UX): I am thankful for my wife Lori and my dog Mina who make every day worth it. I am thankful for having such a loving family near and far and having the technology to feel closer to them despite the distance.
Dannelle Lewandowski (Account Representative): I am thankful that I have friends and family that are so caring. I am thankful for a wonderful family that makes me smile everyday. I am thankful to be able to live in a country that provides freedom and opportunities.
Mike Rosenow (Account Representative): I am thankful for the health and safety of my family and friends. I grew up in suburban NYC, and although the recent events of Hurricane Sandy left most of them without power for an extended period, everyone I know is safe and relatively unharmed.
Kathleen Baker (Director of Administration): This quote sums things up well: “Every day I’m thankful for nights that turn into mornings, friends that turn into family and dreams that turn into reality.”
Nate Muller (Web Developer): I’m thankful for living somewhere I feel safe and free. I’m grateful for not having to worry about daily necessities like food or water. I’m grateful for having the opportunity to explore life and the world around me. I’m grateful for enjoying my work, getting paid to do what I enjoy, and working with open minded, considerate people.
Tyler Friedlander (Web Developer): I am thankful for Nate Muller bringing in a ukulele for Arild Shirazi so he can serenade us daily with lovely island tunes, and free bird while we work.
Fazle Taher (Web Developer): I’m thankful for my family and all the people I’m surrounded by. I’m also thankful for this life and time where I can express myself freely.
What are you thankful for this year? Share with us!