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Youth Vote Strong Again in 2012


While our main focus is administrative solutions for sports organizations, yesterday’s election delivered an interesting statistic worth mentioning.

2012 Youth Vote

In 2008, voters age 18-29 represented 18% of all who voted – a significant increase over 2004. Based on reports before last night’s election, some were concerned that the percentage would fall.

Thankfully, it continued to rise! According to nationwide exit polls, voters age 18-29 represented 19% of the overall vote.

Since our business is so heavily focused on youth sports, it’s great to see younger, voting-age members of our country continuing to have their voices heard. Exercising the right to vote is one of the most important civic duties and one that should not be taken for granted.

As a result, issues impacting young voters will continue to play an incresingly important role in the platforms and overall prioroties of our elected leaders. In our next Presidential election in 2016, many will expect the youth vote to eclipse 20% – let’s hope our youth continue to stay engaged!

Kris Baker

Kris Baker is the President of Demosphere and has been serving the Youth Sports Community since 2006.