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Tournament Management

What steps are you taking to make your tournament the best in the area?

This month’s Maximize Demosphere offers a glimpse into how the Tournament Management System can enhance your experience managing an event.

Download the PDF Slides Here

The session covered the following items:

  • Tournament Management Dashboard – From the WebWriter Content Management System dashboard, Administrators can access the Tournament Management System from the Elements Admin tab.
  • Creating A New Tournament – If you’re creating your first tournament in the Tournament Management System, Demosphere Support will create an example league (tournament) for you to clone and adjust to your specifications.
  • Set Up Applications – All of the links under the Application Form Setup section are topics that will appear on your team applications. Click into the links in this section to begin customizing how your form will look. After the information has been added, click on the Public Application Form to preview your application.
  • Create Divisions – Create divisions in your tournament so when applications start coming in you can assign those teams to a division. Set a desired number of teams in each division and the appropriate matchup structure before opening the application process. This will allow you to have preliminary schedules ready to go once the exact number of teams is available.
  • Build Field Permits – Create complexes, fields and permits so the system knows which fields to assign teams to when a schedule is created.
  • Generate Schedules – Automatically generate your schedules within the system based on the divisions created and field permits assigned. Review all of the divisions you have created with the number of teams in each. Question marks next to any item means that the section is not completed.
  • Communicate With Attendees – Draft and send email broadcast communications with your tournament directly in the system.

We hope you can join us for a future Maximize Demosphere session!